Saturday, September 25, 2004

A while back I wrote about a friend who was going through IVF - how I had found out about it from other friends and wasn't sure if I should bring it up with her. I decided not to, and this week she told me about it all. She and her husband have been trying to conceive for over two years. She's gone though inseminations and 3 IVF cycles. The 3rd cycle resulted in a pregnancy that she lost at 7 weeks - the same day I told her and my other friends that I was pregnant.

She apologized to me for not really congratulating me. I felt terrible. I wrote her back and told her not to feel bad and how sorry I was that my timing was so awful. She hadn't told any of our other friends about the pregnancy and miscarriage until about a week ago. I also told her that I hadn't brought any of it up with her because I wanted to respect her privacy. I'm glad she finally felt able to tell me. She also was kind enough to ask about my pregnancy - I've purposely not mentioned it when I e-mail her. I can't imagine how especially hard the past couple of months have been for her.

I keep praying that she'll be able conceive and birth a healthy baby - as I'm sure she and her husband have been. They are an amazing couple who will be wonderful parents. Life can be so unfair.

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