Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The community and law enforcement turnout for Matt's funeral was amazing. Hubby called me around 4:00 as he was leaving the church. He decided not to go to the burial. The funeral procession stretched for miles. He was able to get Peanut from daycare, something which I would have had difficulty doing with the roads closed.

When I got home, he was sitting in the yard with Peanut. He kept his radio on until Matt's name and number were called off duty for the final time.

We're leaving tomorrow for a wedding and to visit my parents. We both need a break from reality. Between Matt's death and the Colorado and Pennsylvania school shootings I've been weary and sad. My heart goes out to all the families and communities involved.

1 comment:

the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

Dude, I feel you. I am to the point where even my stinkin liberal heart feels there are a great number of people who just should effing not be allowed to play in this particular gene pool anymore. Hope your vaca gets you recharged. Joy cometh in the morning.