Friday, December 21, 2007

Flea of One Good Thing has another wonderful “Letters to Santa” story this year. Her Mrs. Claus letter is perfect.


At chez selzach, the best gift was for a child we selected from the angel tree. We debated over what to get and eventually decided to get what was first on our child’s list: a bike. We didn’t go for one of the expensive, super-nice bikes, but found a reasonably priced one. I hope he won’t be disappointed.


My grad school department hosted a Christmas party every year. We’d get a tree and decorate it and everyone, students, staff and faculty, would bring food. After the party we’d bring in gifts and wrap them. Finally, the gifts, tree, and a food basket would go to a needy family. It was such a nice tradition.


StaceyG said...

Definitely 'tis the best gifts...those you give!

StaceyG said...

He won't be disappointed. Merry Christmas!

zelda1 said...

I bet your secret santa pick loved the bike. I can not imagine a child being disappointed, especially a child who may not have gotten anything had it not be for the goodness of strangers.