Saturday, May 31, 2008

3.5 weeks to go until the due date. Woo Hoo! Some friends from work hosted a baby shower this week, BEFORE the baby's arrival. Very different from last time.

I met one of the other OBs from my doc's practice. I never made it that far last time. He was very nice and I felt comfortable with him. He teased me a bit since we didn't have the baby's room ready - I liked that he made jokes and was personable. I'll meet the other doc this week.

The baby's room has mostly been rectified. Hubby and I spend several hours today rearranging the office to fit the guest bed, then moved the baby stuff into what was the guest room. The crib is mostly together, but we misplaced a part and couldn't finish it. Oops. We were worried about how everything would fit into the office, but it actually looks good. We're still going through stuff and weeding out what can be yard-saled or donated. Hubby assembled the side-car bassinette and it's in our bedroom's corner waiting to be used. We want to have the baby close to us in the beginning, but would like to avoid the whole sleeping in our bed deal if we can. And it will be safer for those times when Peanut ends up in bed with us.

By pure luck we saw the shuttle go up today. Hubby flipped to the NASA channel just as it was lifting off. I grabbed Peanut and we ran outside in time to see the "Space Shovel" go.

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